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Perforating Panel & Software

The surface panel is a combination switch interface and perforating panel. This panel and a laptop with the PHOENIX software, is all you need to perforate. RF Safe, RP67 compliant. This panel also contains the CCL Interface. It can operate 100+ guns in a single run. It is also compatible with long wireline cables.

This is a low-cost stand-alone perforating system.

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Software Features

  • All operations are logged and recorded for playback
    and reference.
  • Complete event log stored on file.
  • All job and company information saved for each run.
  • Depth panel interface included.
  • Each switch has a unique serial number that also gets
  • Software automatically identifies switch serial number
    and location in gun string.
  • Real time surface shot verification with
    voltage/current plot referenced to duration time and
    referenced to firing depth.
  • Compatible with the Warrior System by SDS.
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PHOENIX Accessories

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The simulator is a good tool for
operator training and truck/cable
system checkout.

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The battery-operated switch verification module is a safe method of verifying that the guns are wired correctly, and the switches are functioning properly.